April 23, 2010

Spots 'n' Dots: Local Mobile Advertising Surpassed $200 M in 2009

In the April 21 edition of Spots 'n' Dots, a daily TV sales news source, mobile was mentioned.

From the article:
Gordon Borrell, CEO of Borrell Associates, noted that stations are "seeing the emergence of a new disrupter: mobile." According to the report, local mobile advertising surpassed $200 million last year, with TV broadcasters capturing about 12% of the total. "I expect that figure to skyrocket into the billions within two years as the transition from desktops and laptops to hand-held devices takes off," said Mr. Borrell.

Top categories include major retailers, car dealers and real estate agents. Health care is another large category, comprised of hospitals, outpatient clinics, physicians, and other health professionals such as LASIK surgeons, dentists, chiropractors and cosmetic surgeons.