August 27, 2010

Millennial Report Shows BlackBerry Has 16 Percent of U.S. Mobile Ads

According to Millennial Media, RIM and BlackBerry users are only about 16 percent of the U.S. mobile advertising market. The iPhone dominates the mobile advertising market taking 55 percent of displayed mobile ads and is trailed by Android which have 19 percent.

Millennial points out that RIM experienced the largest developer growth (9 percent) month over month taking 11 percent of US developer platform usage but they are still beat out by the iPhone at 49 percent and Android at 39 percent.

The other interesting thing to note is that RIM ad requests increased 18 percent month over month and since January they have come up 66 percent. On the other hand, compared to other devices in the report RIM seems to always be trailing as a distant third.

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