January 31, 2011

Mobile is Key for Brands to Achieve Message Convergence

Message convergence is the answer to the problems caused by the proliferation of devices and messaging channels, and mobile is the glue connecting it all, according to a report by The Relevancy Group and Message Systems.

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Mobile Video Becomes A Reality

According to data released by Bytemobile, mobile video became the dominant form of mobile data traffic during 2010 with more than 40 percent of total volume in wireless networks.

Specifically, the report predicts that:
>In 2011, mobile video will account for more than 60% of network traffic up from 40% in 2010
>Video communications will dominate, which will result in just 10% of consumers using 90% of the total network traffic

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January 27, 2011

Pew Research: Mobile Politics 2010

In a post-election nationwide survey of adults, the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project found that 82 percent of adults have cell phones. Of those cell owners, 71 percent use their phone for texting and 39 percent use the phone for accessing the internet. With that as context, the Pew Internet Project survey found that:

>14% of all American adults used their cell phones to tell others that they had voted.
>12% of adults used their cell phones to keep up with news about the election or politics.
>10% of adults sent text messages relating to the election to friends, family members and others.
>6% of adults used their cells to let others know about conditions at their local voting stations on election day, including insights about delays, long lines, low turnout, or other issues.
>4% of adults used their phones to monitor results of the election as they occurred.
>3% of adults used their cells to shoot and share photos or videos related to the election.
>1% of adults used a cell-phone app that provided updates from a candidate or group about election news.
>1% of adults contributed money by text message to a candidate or group connected to the election like a party or interest group.
>If a respondent said she or he had done any of those activities in the last campaign season, we counted that person in this 26% cohort. Throughout this report we call this group "mobile political users" or the "mobile political population."

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Who Will Win the Android vs. iPhone Race?

The iPhone may have captured the hearts and minds of many tech-savvy early smartphone adopters—not to mention marketers—with its sleek design, multitouch interface and available apps. But as Android has rolled out to more and more handsets, its popularity has surged and the loyalty of its users has increased to match that of iPhone owners.

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January 26, 2011

Study: Mobile Video Ads Outperform Online Significantly

A study by Rhythm NewMedia confirms that mobile video advertising is performing significantly better than online.

The key finding that supports Rhythm’s claim is that the mobile video retention rate is superior to online. In fact, Rhythm found that the viewer retention rate after 60 seconds was 81 percent on its mobile ad network, versus 55 percent online.

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US mobile ad spend to exceed $1B by year-end: Forrester

A new report released by Forrester Research predicts that marketers will finally allocate sufficient funds into mobile, with an estimated $1 billion in spend for mobile display and search advertising by year-end.

Forrester predicts that marketers will become masters at using mobile marketing channels to generate real leads, drive foot traffic into stores and to sell products and services.

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January 24, 2011

Apple App Store Reaches 10 Billion Downloads

In less than three years, Apple’s App Store recently hit a milestone of 10 billion downloads. Launched in June of 2008, the store has grown to over 350,000 free and paid apps with over 5 billion downloaded since last June. Apple gave the user who downloaded the 10 billionth app a $10,000 gift card to the App Store.

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January 21, 2011

Who Recalls the Most Mobile Ads??

Mobile users are becoming more accepting of ads on their devices, and as of December 2010 more than a third remember seeing them.

Overall, mobile marketing agency Briabe Media and mobile social network MocoSpace found that 37% of those polled recalled seeing specific advertisements on their mobile phone. The advertisers most commonly remembered included wireless carriers, major retailers and handset manufacturers.

There was little difference in mobile ad recall between men and women, with females just 1 percentage point more likely to say they remembered a mobile ad.

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January 19, 2011

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Mobile Ad Campaigns in 2011

Faster network speeds, the growing penetration of smartphones and tablets and the development of more engaging and relevant ad formats combined to drive growth in this space by as much 80 percent in 2010, according to industry research.

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January 7, 2011